Kaffee selber rösten

Roast your own coffee

Adiam Engeda

Roasting your own coffee is becoming increasingly popular and is generating great interest. Coffee roasting is a little science and more of an experience. You don't need more than a pan and green coffee to get started. Coffee has been roasted in roasting pans for centuries, a tradition that continues to this day. But you can also use special home roasters.

Roasting at home is a rewarding experience because it gives you the opportunity to customize the taste and aroma of your coffee beans to your liking. Below are some steps on how to roast coffee yourself:

Roast your own coffee at home

Benefits of roasting your own coffee

Why do we even have to roast at home? Roasting your coffee at home gives you more control over the flavor profile of your coffee. Since you have control over the roasting process, you can determine the roasting level yourself. This gives you more control over the flavor profile of your roasted coffee.

You can experiment with different types of coffee from different growing regions, you can use blends or roast single origin coffee . There are several benefits to roasting your own coffee.

different types of coffee from different growing regions

Home Roasting Methods (Choose a Roasting Method)

While there are dedicated coffee roasters, you don't necessarily need an expensive roaster to get started. The most popular coffee roasters for home use include Fresh Roas t , Behmor , Aillio Bullet and Kaldi. However, you can also roast coffee using simple equipment such as a popcorn maker or a pan.

Roast your own coffee with the popcorn machine

Although the popcorn machine is intended for making popcorn, it is also used for roasting coffee at home. Note that not all popcorn machines are suitable for coffee roasting, so it is important to do your own research. Here are some recommended popcorn machines for coffee roasting .

To roast coffee with a popcorn machine you will need:

  • Popcorn machine (of course)
  • 80-110g green coffee beans
  • Timer to monitor roasting time (not required but better)
  • Infrared thermometer for monitoring roasting temperature
  • Colanders or bowls for cooling the roasted beans

Similar to popcorn, put the raw coffee beans in the popcorn machine and turn it on. Wait until you hear the “ first crack ” which occurs at approximately 196°C. This cracking is the sign of the start of a lighter roast . Depending on the desired degree of roasting, the roasting process can then be stopped. To achieve a light roast , stop the roasting process shortly after the first crack. If you want a medium roast , wait a little longer . For a dark roast, extend the roasting process until you hear the second crack .

The advantage of this method is that the hot air flow in the popcorn machine keeps the coffee beans constantly moving during the roasting process. This constant circulation ensures even heat distribution and therefore evenly roasted coffee beans . It may be more difficult to achieve this level of uniformity when using an oven or pan.

Popcorn machines are also equipped with a blower that blows away the husk (skin) as soon as it separates from the coffee bean.

The airflow in the popcorn machine can blow away the silver membranes from the coffee beans , which can make quite a mess in your kitchen. Therefore, it is highly recommended to roast the coffee outside to avoid such problems.

Roast your own coffee in the pan

Pan-roasting coffee is a method that is possible in most households and is fairly easy if you have the necessary equipment.

To roast coffee in a pan you will need:

  • a pan, preferably cast iron and thicker for a better result
  • An infrared thermometer, not required but necessary to monitor the temperature
  • Colanders or bowls for cooling the roasted beans
  • Good ventilation, either an open window or a fan, as the smell can become quite strong.

First preheat the pan to around 200°C and add the coffee beans. The most important thing is constant stirring; be sure to stir the beans or shake the pan during the roasting process to ensure even roasting. Use the infrared thermometer if you have one to keep a close eye on the temperature.

The time may vary, but wait until you hear the first "snap" of the beans. This occurs after about 6 to 8 minutes when the cell walls become porous and the coffee bean splits open.

The first crack marks the start of the light roast. You can reduce the heat after the initial crack to increase development time and ensure gentle roasting, but that's something to experiment with.

It's up to you how far you want to push the roast after the first crack. For a light roasted coffee, remove the beans from the pan immediately after the "first crack" and cool them as quickly as possible.

For a medium or medium-dark roast, continue the roasting process for a little longer , but stop at the “second crack” at the latest.

If you want a dark roast, remove the beans after the "second crack." Further roasting beyond this point will likely result in an almost burnt, bitter-tasting coffee.

Roasting coffee in a pan may seem tempting because all you need is a pan, a spoon to stir, and a stovetop. However, pan-roasted coffee beans are usually unevenly roasted. Ideally, raw coffee beans should be roasted evenly for the best flavor, which is difficult to achieve with pan roasting. There may also be a strong smell and there is a risk that the beans will jump out of the pan due to the high temperatures. It is recommended to turn off ventilation and open a window if possible.

Roast your own coffee with the Hive roaster

The Hive Roaster is a handy, portable coffee roaster designed for use on home or outdoor gas stoves. It is capable of roasting up to 170 grams of green coffee. It is built to emit both convective and conductive heat while ensuring optimal airflow.

hive roaster

Here is a brief overview of coffee roasting with the Hive roaster:

  • Preheating the Roaster: According to the Hive Roaster manual, it is up to the roaster whether to preheat or not. However, we recommend preheating it to the desired temperature. The roaster can handle high heat, but the beans may require some experimentation to find the right level of heat. Depending on the growing region or processing method, the beans must be treated differently.
  • Add the Green Beans : Once the roaster is preheated, add the desired amount of green coffee beans. The roaster can process up to 170 grams of green coffee beans , but you can adjust the amount to your liking.
  • Roast the beans : Move the roaster over the open flame/stove to roast the beans. During the roasting process, pay attention to the color, aroma and cracking sound of the beans. You can use an infrared temrmometer to track the temperature of the beans and calculate the rate of rise. Roasting time and temperature depend on your desired profile and the type of beans you are roasting. The roast profile is at the heart of your coffee's taste. Each roast profile, from light to dark, offers a unique taste experience . If you want a light roast, stop the roasting process at the "first crack". For a medium and medium-dark roast, extend the roasting process a little longer, but not beyond the "second crack". For a dark roast, stop the roast shortly after the "second crack".
  • Cool the beans : Once the beans have reached the desired level of roast, remove them from the heat source and allow them to cool quickly. You can use a colander or cooling tray to make the cooling process easier.

Roast your own coffee with a home coffee roasting machine

In order to roast coffee at home and precisely control the various roasting parameters, you need a special home coffee roasting machine. There are many coffee roasting machines that are designed and manufactured exclusively for roasting your own coffee at home. Home coffee roasters offer the ability to fine-tune the roasting process to bring out the flavor profile of a particular green coffee.

Coffee roasting machine for home

Some of the most popular coffee roasters for home use include the Gene Café CBR-101 , Fresh Roast , Behmor , Hottop , Kaldi , and Aillio Bullet R1 .

Roasting coffee with a home roaster allows for precise control and regulation of key roasting parameters such as temperature and time. This level of control is essential to extracting the full range of flavors from high-quality green coffee beans and tailoring the roast to the specific bean and brewing method you prefer. For example, a high-altitude, naturally processed green coffee from Ethiopia or a green coffee from Burundi requires gentle roasting, in contrast to a Brazilian coffee grown at a low altitude.

There are several factors to consider before purchasing a home coffee roasting machine. First, you need to decide whether you want a convection or drum roaster. Drum roasters are popular because of their gentler roasting process, which often results in a better roast. Additionally, consider the capacity of the roaster, ease of use, and level of control over the roasting process. Finally, your budget is also an important factor to consider.

If this is your first time roasting coffee at home, you may decide to use one of the methods above. However, if you want to continually improve your roasting skills and roast coffee at home on a regular basis, investing in a dedicated home roaster is important.

Monitor the roasting process

It is important to monitor the beans during the roasting process. The raw coffee beans go through various stages such as drying, browning and caramelization. Observe the color of the beans and listen for the "first crack." These are audible sounds that occur at around 196 degrees Celsius as the beans expand and release moisture. The “ first crack ” is an important milestone in the roasting process . It marks the beginning of a lighter roast .

The time at which you stop roasting depends on the level of roasting you want to achieve.

Light Roast : Remove the beans at the first crack

Medium roast : just after the first crack

Medium-dark roast : Just before the second crack

Dark roast : Immediately after the second crack, but sometimes longer

After you reach the desired level of roasting, cool the beans quickly to prevent the roasting process from progressing any further. You can use a fan or a cooling plate.

Brew the resulting roast and adjust the roasting time and temperature to achieve the desired roast level if you are not satisfied, whether it is a light, medium or dark roast.

Note: Remember that roasting coffee involves heat and can produce smoke. Therefore, ensure good ventilation and safety measures when roasting at home.

Adjust roasting level

You can stop the roast at different stages to achieve different roast levels - light, medium or dark roast.

Choose roasting level

Light roast coffees tend to be more acidic, while dark roast coffees are predominantly bitter. Light and medium roasts have more fruity aromas, while dark roasts have more burnt aromas. Especially if you roast your beans well into the second crack, even the strongest and most unique flavors will be masked. Instead, they start to taste burnt and smoky, with dull acidity.

Graphic by Ikawa showing how the flavors and properties of coffee change as it roasts.

At EastAfro Coffee we roast our coffee medium. Medium roasted coffee is characterized by its medium brown color and a slight oiliness on the surface of the bean. When roasted medium, the coffee still retains a good level of acidity and flavor complexity . Additionally, medium roasts are known for having a smooth and balanced flavor. But it's all a matter of personal preference, and roasting at home allows you to fine-tune the roast level to suit your taste preferences.

Degassing of the coffee beans

During the roasting process, the green coffee releases moisture, trapping CO2 in the beans. Therefore, it is important to let the coffee rest after roasting, a process known as "degassing." If you brew your freshly roasted coffee too early, you run the risk of extracting the trapped CO2, resulting in a strong sour and sour taste.

We recommend storing the coffee in an airtight container at room temperature for at least 24 hours. Within 24 hours of roasting, 40% of the gases are released, but the process then slows down.

airtight aroma vientel

Allowing the coffee to sit for up to 5 days after roasting allows the trapped gases to slowly escape from the beans, allowing the true flavors and aromas of the beans to develop. Additionally, the aromatic compounds that give coffee its flavor take time to develop after the beans are roasted.

Store the coffee beans correctly

It is important to remember that coffee beans lose their freshness and quality after roasting. To preserve their flavor for as long as possible, store your beans in an opaque, airtight container at room temperature in a dark place. A cupboard near the stove is often too warm, as is a place in the house that is exposed to strong sunlight.

Avoid grinding the beans immediately after roasting. Ground coffee is more susceptible to flavor loss and rapid spoilage. This is because the surface area of ​​coffee powder particles is significantly larger than that of whole coffee beans, which leads to faster oxidation of the oils and fats contained in the coffee powder. For an optimal taste experience, grind the beans immediately before brewing and only as much as you need. For detailed information, see our guide to properly storing roasted coffee .

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